Projects Across Cultures

A Great Idea With NO Cultural Context
is a Great Idea with NO IMPACT
Your project has core values and aspirations. They're what makes it so important to you.
When you go offshore, the people you deal with may speak your language - but that does not mean they share your values.
They have their own set of values and core aspirations.
So clients may like your project, speak your language - and maybe buy your offer.
But they don't share your vision.
Clearly your values and theirs in fact intersect at several critical points - and when you leverage on that you gain huge advantage.
But when you DON'T leverage shared values, things can often go badly wrong.
When values and visions are not aligned, people quickly distrust each other.
You distrust them. They distrust you. Your project's true value gets diminished.
Misaligned vision jeopardises delivery on promise and breaks communication.
It stops payments from flowing.
It makes clients complain - students fail - and your team is disempowered.
Aligning your core values with theirs is the vessel of smooth sailing.
Navigating cultural values gives you the power to bring multiple visions into play.
No matter where you go in the world, people's behaviour is easy to observe.
Their style of dress - how they occupy space - express belief - manage hierarchy - respond to the passing of time . . .It's all in the open and easy to observe.
But the cultural values inspiring their behaviour are buried deep and out of sight.
You have to dive deep to bring their values into the light.
And ONLY then will you KNOW how to interact with them.
Only then can you ALIGN your vision with theirs - and vice versa.
Only then can you CONTROL how your project's received - and delivered over time.
Only then can THREE immensely empowering things occur.
You accept your target's cultural values as fact - with no resistance or resentment.
You see your own cultural values as equally powerful - and equally idiosyncratic.
You start to exploit cultural values - yours and your target's - to create far superior and more reliable outcomes.
When you can really read what you see people doing
you will automatically know what to do, what to say . . .
and what to be very cautious of . . .
in any cultural environment
at any point in time
Cultural Fluency = Authentic Engagement . . . and gives far from soft results.
With more than 20 years experience in Business, Government, & Community ventures, I provide Cultural Language Coaching that ensures smart operators:-
Get, leverage, and retain highest attention
Articulate value in a language everyone can understand
Align the project team's beliefs with the project goals
Continually calibrate the promise against what's actually delivered
Form habits of cultural clarity that insure against unpleasant surprises.
When we travel across cultural borders there will always be challenges.
Cultural Fluency lets you avoid most . . . and get well ahead of the rest.
I show you precisely how to:
write, speak, and occupy space in ways your target audience responds to best.
demonstrate the damaging affect of the unfamiliar so your team is prepared for it
enhance your client's reputation by raising YOUR profile.
I've worked in diverse cultural settings
in Australia, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Iran, Uzbekistan, and Senegal.
So I can help you articulate:
How different populations make sense of the world
What sort of cultural differences your team needs to look out for
The rules for building empathy when cultural behaviours appear to run counter to your beliefs
Your unique and authentic familiarity with your target market's culture
How to avoid cultural OVER sensitivity -- IN sensitivity -- or OFFENCE
Exactly what sets you apart in a crowded market - or even a crowded room
How your project can resonate deeply with your target market
The bottom line on culturally acceptable promotions and packaging
All you need to know about faith laws and regulations (including ‘Halal’)
How faith and religious festivals POSITIVELY impact your project
The best way to say ‘No’ - or to deliver a negative message
In what ways gender really does matter
The true role of Mediators, Agents, and Advisors employed by powerful people
. . . and more!